"Powers and Duties"


  • 1. As the presiding officer of the board meetings of members, your role is to lead the meetings and ensure that they are conducted in an orderly and efficient manner. This includes setting the agenda, calling on members to speak, and overseeing voting procedures.
  • 2. As the organizer of community service projects for the welfare of members, your role is to plan and execute projects that benefit the community and address the needs of members. This may involve identifying the needs and priorities of members, as well as researching and developing project ideas that align with those needs.
  • 3 .As the responsible person for educating the delegates about terms used within the association, your role is to help them understand the various terminologies that are used among the members.
  • 4. It is important to communicate the information in a way that is easy to understand and highlights any important insights or recommendations for action
  • 5. In addition, you will need to keep track of all activities and developments within the association and ensure that this information is communicated to the founder, president, or chairman for better coordination.
  • 6. As the person responsible for developing volunteers to work towards the betterment of the community, your role is to recruit, train, and coordinate volunteers to address the social issues faced by the public.
  • 7. It is important to ensure that any changes made to the number of members are done within the rules and regulations of the IACCF, to ensure that the association is operating in a legal and compliant manner.


  • 1. As a non-political leader appointed by the National President of the IACCF to work at the state level, your role is to organize and manage the daily activities of working members in the state.
  • 2. As a designated authority within the IACCF, you will have the power to specify and recruit any number of members, as long as it is in compliance with the rules and regulations of the association.
  • 3. You will also need to obtain permission from the National President before utilizing any funds collected by the association.
  • 4. In addition to your other duties, you will also be responsible for forming a working execution team down to the district and tehsil level for your assistance.
  • 5. To achieve this, you will need to work closely with officials and other stakeholders to identify and address issues related to human rights and promote policies and initiatives that support the development of the state.
  • 6. These events will serve as an opportunity to engage with the public and promote the goals and objectives of the IACCF, such as protecting human rights and promoting social justice.


  • 1. As the presiding officer of the board of trustees, your primary responsibility is to oversee all board meetings and suggest working patterns and implementation procedures for all proceedings passed in the meeting.
  • 2. As a representative of the association, your primary responsibility is to organize and undertake community development service projects for the welfare of victims and helpless people.
  • 3. This involves conducting surveys and studies to identify knowledge gaps and areas where members may require additional education and training. Once these areas are identified, you will need to develop appropriate educational materials and programs to address them.
  • 4. As a representative of the association, one of your key responsibilities is to collect and obtain information on various issues and brief them in writing to the National President for further action.
  • 5. This involves receiving applications from the public and working with the support of administration, judiciary, and social workers to address their grievances. You will need to gather all relevant information related to the grievance and work towards finding a satisfactory solution for the public.
  • 6. As a representative of the association, one of your key responsibilities is to develop and mobilize volunteers to work towards the betterment of victims, helpless, and needy people
  • 7. In cases where you have doubts about the suitability of a new member, you will need to conduct a thorough verification process to gather relevant information. This may involve conducting interviews, checking references, and reviewing the applicant's background and qualifications.
  • 8. Once you have gathered all the required information, you will need to submit a report to the President Secretariats outlining your findings and recommendations. This will help the association take appropriate action to address these problems and ensure that it is fulfilling its mission to promote social justice and human rights.
  • 9. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that the association is led by competent and capable individuals who are committed to its mission and values.


  • 1. To fulfill this role effectively, you should have a good understanding of the rules and procedures governing meetings, as well as the agenda and topics to be discussed. You should also be skilled in managing group dynamics and facilitating discussions, and be able to communicate clearly and effectively with all members of the association.
  • 2. The Secretary can add items to the meeting agenda for discussion during the proceedings.
  • 3. The Secretary is responsible for filing and managing all legal documents, such as suits, petitions, appeals, revisions, affidavits, and vouchers, and representing the IACCF in any civil, criminal, taxation, revenue proceeding before any court of law or local authorities, as well as other authorities under central or state government.
  • 4. The IACCF Secretary is authorized to engage and appoint lawyers, pleaders, and chartered accountants to conduct legal and financial proceedings related to the organization's work and business, including but not limited to sales tax, income tax, professional tax, revenue, and criminal proceedings in any court of law or other relevant authorities.
  • 5. The Secretary has the responsibility to represent the trust in front of various authorities such as the central and state governments, local bodies, public authorities, port authorities, banking and financial institutions, and union territory authorities.
  • 6. The Secretary shall have the authority to open and manage bank accounts on behalf of the Foundation, either individually or jointly, in any state.
  • 7. The Secretary has the authority to create plans, projects, and programs on behalf of the IACCF.